Behind the Sheets: To 1-Ply or 2-Ply in Your Vacation Rental Bathrooms?

When it comes to supplying a short-term rental property, many decisions need to be made to provide a great guest experience (ie. get that 5-star review) while also ensuring the longevity and safety of the property. One item where managers and owners realize cost savings is through using cheaper consumable products. A worthy pursuit, astute owners and managers should always be considering where to reduce operating expenses. Toilet paper is one of larger ongoing costs, guests use a lot of it and it’s expensive and bulky. As such, there is a temptation to economize by providing 1-ply toilet paper. This may not be wise, creating a negative guest experience and perhaps even harm to the home’s septic system.

Guest Experience

Let’s start with guest experience. It’s no secret that providing a great experience for your guests is essential for the success of your rental property. So, how does toilet paper factor into this? Well, it turns out that the quality of toilet paper can have a big impact on guest satisfaction. In general, guests tend to prefer softer, thicker toilet paper. 1-ply toilet paper, on the other hand, is thinner and can be rougher to the touch. Guests may perceive this as a sign of a cheap or low-quality rental property. Guests who are paying top dollar for their stay may expect higher-end amenities, including soft, plush toilet paper.

Septic Safety and Longevity

Another factor to consider when deciding on toilet paper for your rental property is septic safety and longevity. In general, 1-ply toilet paper dissolves faster than 2-ply toilet paper. This makes it a popular choice for non-standard waste systems, such as those found in RVs and boats. However, even though 2-ply toilet paper takes longer to dissolve, it should still dissolve fully and not cause any issues with standard septic systems.

If your rental property has a non-standard septic system, such as one found in an RV or boat, using 1-ply toilet paper could be a wise choice. However, if you’re managing a standard rental property with a standard septic system, the choice between 1-ply and 2-ply toilet paper may not be as critical.

Cost Savings

Finally, let’s talk about cost savings. 1-ply is generally less expensive than 2-ply. This is because 1-ply toilet paper effectively gives you twice as many sheets per roll. However, it’s important to consider usage when deciding whether the cost savings are worth it.

If guests perceive 1-ply toilet paper as thin and unpleasant to use, they may end up using more sheets per use than they would with 2-ply toilet paper. This could lead to increased volume in the septic tank and potential blockages. If this happens, the cost of fixing the blockage could easily outweigh any cost savings from using 1-ply toilet paper.

My recommendation, stick with 2-ply and cost cut elsewhere. Providing comfortable guest experiences is the surest way to long-term success.


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